Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Adventures of Tintin

Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Starring: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
Rating: I Liked It

If you were to take an Indiana Jones film and make it animated, this is what you would get.  It’s no surprise that Spielberg went this direction on the film, and it’s no surprise that the film was excellent.  Tintin is a young man, a writer, who embarks on an adventure in search of lost treasure, racing against pirates that seek the same winnings. 

The Good: 
  • This movie was beautiful!  The computer animation was spectacular.  
  • Captain Haddock was a very funny, over-the-top addition to the film, and Serkis portrayed him well.  
  • The story is the same one we've seen a thousand times before, but it felt fresh.  I'm not sure what kept it going so well, but something did.  It may have just been the overall quality of the film, but it was definitely not the same old, same old.  
  • The pirate ship sword fighting scene was spectacular.  
The Bad: 
  • At the same time I praise this film for not feeling like every other similar one, I have to point out that it is pretty close to every other adventure story of its kind.  The subtle variations somehow kept it from the monotony.   
  • I don't know that it's bad, but I would've like to have seen a bit more of the Thompson & Thompson characters that were voiced by Nick Frost and Simon Pegg.  
  • The corny comedy that was attached to parts of the film pushed just a little beyond the boundaries of what I can handle.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure this was right up some viewer's alley, just not mine.  
The Ugly: 
  • I can't say that anything in this one was ugly.  When a film makes it past a rating of "I Didn't Like It", I find it doesn't usually have anything to go in an "ugly" category.  

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