Saturday, February 18, 2012


Starring: Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan
Directed by: Josh Trank
Rating: I Liked It

Again, I've watched another move that was just a disappointment.  This one, like the last couple, wasn't bad, but it wasn't what I wanted to see either.  It's like when you're craving that certain food, don't know what it is, but won't be satisfied until you've eaten the entire planet to find it.  I know what I'm craving, though.  It just doesn't get released until May.

The Good:

  • I like this concept: teens get powers and learn to deal with them.  Great power and responsibility and all that...
  • I like the parts where they're learning to use these powers.  The discovery of their abilities is cool.  
  • The movie focuses almost completely around the three main characters with limited interactions by other secondaries.  
  • The best things about this movie are the concepts.  The group dynamic, the story idea, the handy-cam shooting, the buildup of the abilities...all that was great in theory.  It was the delivery that failed.  
The Bad: 
  • The acting here wasn't great.  It wasn't the worst I've ever seen, but it definitely left something to be desired.  In particular, DeHaan's performance as Andrew gets worse the more evil he gets.  Jordan and Russell are both OK, with Jordan being the stronger part.  
  • The CG here was just decent.  
  • As much as I liked the learning of ability control, it all felt overly familiar having already seen other characters (Superman for example) learn to do a lot of the same things.  Specifically, the scene where the three learn to fly was over extended.  
The Ugly: 
  • There was way to much left to the imagination here.  The direct cause of the abilities was never answered, and actually, that's enough for me.  There were lots of little things here and there, but that was the big one.  
  • This really felt like someone trying to cash in on the super hero craze that's been building for the last few years.  There really wasn't much of anything original at all.  

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