Saturday, June 30, 2012

Men in Black 3

Starring: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Jemaine Clement
Directed by: Barry Sonnenfeld
Rating: I Really Liked It

If you've seen the first to films in this series, you pretty much know what to expect from the movie...sort of.  The general goofy J (Smith) plays against the serious K (Jones) in a great buddy movie pair up.  There's a lot of good jokes, again.  However, this movie took a turn I really didn't expect or see coming but really liked.  I  won't spoil anything...

Suspension of disbelief

I can't figure out time travel - somet things i can't wrap my mind around like "forever" or "infinite space"

The Good:

  • As I've said in previous posts, anything that Smith is in I'll watch.  He does a great job as usual.  
  • The alien character named Griffin is possibly one of my favorite characters of all time.  He sees all the possible futures that could happen and pasts that have or might have happened.  He's just a great character played by a terrific actor: Michael Stuhlbarg. 
  • I don't think this movie would've worked nearly as well had it been anyone but Brolin portraying young K (Jones).  Brolin seriously looks and sounds just like a young Tommy Lee Jones.  It's awesome.  Brolin is a phenomenal actor.   
  • All of the graphics were really good, and even though I saw the film in 2D, I could still see where all the 3D effects would have played into the film.  It looked amazing,  Particularly, there was one shot of the NYC skyline that was really awesome.  
  • There was no point in the movie where I was bored.  The story arc plays out really well without lingering on any one point for too long.  They don't force new characters that aren't essential to the story on us or try to make scenes feel like they belong that don't really belong.  
  • This film keeps right up with its predecessor's in showing us what's "really" happening right under our noses.  In the first film, we learned where a lot of our technology has come from and that the tabloids are reporting actual news.  This one keeps the tradition alive, but I won't ruin any of it.  It's the reveal that makes things like that great.  
  • You really have to have any imagination to event creatures that look totally different from humans or animals we interact with or see on a regular basis.  Think of all of the aliens you've ever seen in movies.  Most of them are bipedal with two arms and a head that rests near the top of their body, usually having at least eyes if not a nose and mouth as well.  Now, usually there is something that obviously makes them alien, but that's still a pretty close design to humans.  We have a hard time seeing a design that would be better than our own.  Even someone as imaginative as Guillermo del Toro events creatures and monsters that are humanoid in form.  With all that said, there are some creative minds at work when it comes to the aliens in this franchise.  
The Bad: 
  • I've mentioned before that often times people hate a character and think they shouldn't have been in a movie, not realizing that you hating the character is exactly what was supposed to happen.  I hated Boris the Animal (Clement).  His voice was annoying.  His look was annoying.  He was your standard take-over-the-world character.  It's not that I hated his role; I hated the actual character.  
  • One of the things that was played up pretty heavy in the trailers and in the film once you see it, was the "motorcycle" chase through Manhattan.  The chase was OK, just not as spectacular as you would've thought...I'm sure they'll sell some toys on the concept.  What really bothered me was the end of the chase sequence.  It just kind of stops.  
  • As annoying as they were, the little squid dudes were missing with the exception of a few background scenes.  They played a little too large of a role in the second film, but they could've used one good scene.  
The Ugly: 
  • I just finished this movie a couple of hours before making my notes to write this over the next week, and I honestly can't think of anything at all I'd stick in the Ugly category.  

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