Saturday, April 13, 2013

This is 40

Directed by: Judd Apatow
Starring: Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann
Rating: I Liked It

I know I've mentioned it in more than one movie where Rudd or Jason Segal make even the smallest appearance, so, I'm only going to mention it briefly.  No comedy of this sub-genre will stand up to I Love You, Man.  It was the epitome of great modern, adult comedies for me.  Now that I've got that out of the way...

I wasn't really sure what to expect with this movie.  Well, in some ways, I knew exactly what to expect, but at the same time, I didn't know where Apatow was going to go with a comedy that dealt with more grownup characters.  Basically, he made them not so grownup, which I really liked.  A lot!

The Good:

  • The cast all around was great, and I was excited to see veteran comedians make appearances, most notably, Albert Brooks & John Lithgow.  
  • The dynamic that Pete (Rudd) and Debbie (Mann) share with their respective fathers is completely believable.  Actually, the family dynamic here is genuine and believable all around, albeit over dramatisized at times.  That's kind of Apatow's style, though.  He takes real life scenarios we can all relate to, and he puts enough "Hollywood" on them to make the film more entertaining than watching your own friends and family.  
  • I was surprised to actual enjoy Megan Fox in this movie, more than just her looks that is.  
  • I wasn't rolling in the floor with uncontrollable fits of laughter, but there were moments that I found exceptionally funny.  The movie kept me smiling all the way through the experience.  
  • I love the scene were Pete gets schooled on the music industry by one of his idols.  He looks up to him so much, and then, he learns that the guy gets to do what he does, because he makes his money as he can.  I don't want to spoil the details.  It's worth the laugh to not know.  
  • It blows my mind to think that these actors are as old as they are.  I can't believe that Rudd is forty!  I think it's mostly because they don't act like I thought people acted at forty.  Then again, I'm almost thirty, and I - or anyone I know for that matter - don't act like I thought people acted when they're thirty.  I thought the fun stopped somewhere in your twenties.  
The Bad: 
  • I disliked how ineffective Pete and Debbie were at discipling their oldest daughter.  There are more than a couple times in the movie where I think they're gonna step up and "lay down the law", but they never do.  Maybe this is all part of the theme Apatow is going after, but it really annoyed me.  If that was the goal, congratulations!
  • I said the cast overall was good, but I didn't care for Charlyne Yi.  Maybe it wasn't the actress as much as the role.  I can't say for sure.  
The Ugly: 
  • I've got nothing for the ugly column on this one.  

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