Saturday, June 29, 2013

World War Z

Starring: Brad Pitt
Directed by: Marc Forster
Rating: I Didn't Like It...Sort Of

If you're going to watch this with the hope of seeing an interpretation of Max Brooks' novel of the same name, you're more than likely going to be disappointed...SORRY!  I read Brooks' novel a couple of summers ago, and I enjoyed even more than I had expected to enjoy it.  I'm probably going to give it another read soon to see again just how close, if at all, the movie was to capturing any of what the book really had to offer.  Now, if you're going into the movie with no expectations based off the book, you're in for a good zombie movie.

The Good:

  • There is more suspense in this movie than any other I've seen in a long time.  I felt really tense most of the movie.  
  • I like where they went with it for the most part, but again, it just wasn't what I wanted to see. 
  • The acting was pretty good. 
  • I wasn't a big fan of a lot of the cast, and I hate that whatever plot they were going to play out with Matthew Fox, who wound up having a very minor part as a helicopter pilot, but for a horror movie, especially a zombie movie, the acting was good.  
  • Everything looked great, and I really liked the way they shot most of the film. 

The Bad:

  • With all the money that was poured into this and having Pitt as a driving force behind it, I didn't think it came together as well as it should, no, could have.  I don't know what slowed it down, but something sure did.  
  • I could've dealt with more getting to know the characters and more story, less run-from-the-zombies scenes, a la The Walking Dead.  Yes, I understand you can't take as in-depth of an approach in a two-hour movie as in a TV series.  
  • There were a few things that didn't really add up to me.  For example, the zombies are attracted to sound, and we learn this pretty early on in the film, but for some reason, there are a couple of scenes where either everyone forgot or were just too stupid to put two and two together. 
The Ugly:
  • If you're going to make a movie that shares a title with a book and is based off of the book, you should really try and follow the book a little more than this.  Otherwise, you're just using the name to grab viewers who read the book and will probably be disappointed with the final product just like I am.  

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