Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Wolverine

Starring: Hugh Jackman
Directed by: James Mangold
Rating: I Liked It

I have always liked Wolverine pretty well.  What I don’t care for about the character has to do with the way he’s used.  Wolverine is now such a huge moneymaker for Marvel, he’s EVERYWHERE.  They really seem to be saturating the market.  This newest movie in the Fox Marvel Cinematic Universe (AKA Earth-10005), not to be confused with the Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe (Iron Man, Thor, etc.), and it follows the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, and it will be followed by X-Men: Days of Future Past.  All of these movies, as well as most others in Fox’s MCU, have one thing in common: Wolverine. 

Don’t get me wrong, I think Jackman does an excellent job as the character.  I think the movies are all pretty well made.  I didn't even hate on the X-Men trilogy like a lot of people.  I pretty much enjoyed this newest film in the series, too.  I just think enough Wolverine is enough.  There are so many other great characters with so many great stories, but we don’t get them, because Fox wants to make Wolverine money.  I digress. 

I saw this movie with two friends, and they both thought it was a little boring, specifically relating that sentiment to the fact that it seems so much like every other movie we've seen the character in (see earlier comments) to this point.  I didn't get that from the movie as much until they pointed it out to me.  I felt like the movie kept me pretty engrossed for the most part.  I also didn't notice until it was pointed out by a Cracked article how many things this movie had in common with Batman Begins.  This didn't bother me; I just thought it was interesting. 

My problems with the movie were some of the casting choices and not having any villains I was exceptionally familiar with seeing.  Though it isn't saying a whole lot, this was way better than the previous Wolverine standalone film.  The CG in this was good, too.  If nothing else, be sure to stay through the credits; that seen will make you feel better about things probably.  Overall, I’d say wait for DVD/Blu Ray on this one.  I enjoyed seeing it in the theaters, but it could've waited.  At least see the cheaper, earlier showing if you go.  

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