Saturday, January 4, 2014

Most Anticipated Movies of 2014

Most Anticipated Movies

This year, I again attempted to cut this list to a top ten, but I just couldn't do it. Every movie on this list is something I am really looking forward to watching, for better or worse. There are plenty of mainstream movies here, but if you're looking for more independent, lesser-known films, check the next section of this post. I'm very much looking forward to those as well, but this list is comprised of the movies I am 100% most excited about seeing.

1. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Releasing May 2, 2014
  • Whether or not this movie turns out exactly like I want it to turn out, I'm pretty sure it'll be another fun romp for Spidey. I thought Andrew Garfield made a good Spider-Man/Peter Parker in the first of this series, and I'm sure he'll due well, again. Emma Stone is great, and we get to see Jamie Foxx in a super hero flick. I'm not a fan of the way they've made his character, Electro, look in what I've seen so far, but I can let that slide if everything else comes together. We also pretty much know from the trailers that we'll probably be seeing at least one Goblin and the Rhino. Are we setting up the Sinister Six? Possibly!

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Releasing April 4, 2014
  • I've read and still read a lot of comics, but I've never really invested myself in a Captain America story, beyond knowing the basics of his origin. Sure, I read Avengers books and others he crosses into from time to time, but I don't read any story lines that are solely a Steve Rogers story. I do, however, very much like the first Captain America film. Knowing what I know about the story that's coming (where Winter Soldier comes from, seeing more than one time period, etc.), I'm really excited for this movie. Plus, Robert Redford is in this, and if I'm not mistaken, he asked to be a part of it. He sought out the role. When Redford is coming to you, something must be right. 

3. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Releasing July 11, 2014
  • Possibly my absolute, most-anticipated movie in this list, Dawn is the story I've always wanted to see behind the original Planet of the Apes. While I loved the idea of astronauts returning to Earth to face a world turned upside down, I'm much more interested in the story of how it got so backward. That's what we got the very beginnings of in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and we'll be getting more in this movie. Plus, who doesn't want to see Gary Oldman in basically any movie, especially this one!

4. Draft Day - Releasing April 11, 2014
  • I've mentioned in the past, on at least a couple of occasions, that I'm not much of sports fan, but sports movies have always been a lot of fun for me. Remember the Titans, Necessary Roughness, The Replacements, 42, and Moneyball are all some of my favorite movies. In fact, one of my absolute favorite movies is another that Kevin Costner (star of Draft Day) vehicle: Field of Dreams. I digress, though. This movie appears to lean more on the side of Moneyball, taking a look at the back end of the business of sports. Costner is one of my favorite actors, and I'm excited to see where this one goes. 

5. Edge of Tomorrow - Releasing June 6, 2014
  • Despite all of the plot holes that you can't help but fall into, I'm a sucker for time travel films. Whether it be a comedy like Back to the Future or Men in Black 3, a drama like The Time Machine, or a movie that will make your head explode like Primer, which I've watched at least three times and still don't fully understand, I can't avoid time travel. Edge is even more narrowly tuned into my genre preference by working on a shorter loop of time where only a couple of characters are aware of the loop a la Groundhog Day, though, I doubt we get Bill Murray's sarcastic charm in this film. 

6. Godzilla - Releasing May 16, 2014
  • Monster movies haven't been the same in recent years. We've had some noble attempts, Cloverfield and Super 8 to name a couple excellent ones, but they weren't the same as the monster films of yesteryear. We got a re-imagining of the Wolfman a few years ago, and this year we also get retelling of the Frankenstein monster in I, Frankenstein (see below), but Benicio Del Toro werewolf vehicle fell a little short of most expectations, and the new Frankenstein looks to be OK, but not much better than just OK. I can't wait to see Heisenberg take on the giant reptile from Japan, and even though I can watch 1998's Godzilla without throwing things at the TV like most people, I'm hoping this one takes a step above that. 

7. Guardians of the Galaxy - Releasing August 1, 2014
  • This is the Marvel movie of which everyone seems to be unsure. The Guardians of the Galaxy is not a title many people are familiar, especially those who don't read comics. I read some comics, and I honestly had no idea who they were until I went to find out when I heard about the movie. I have total faith that this will be just as good as the Marvel films that preceded it, because there's no reason Marvel would make it otherwise. It probably won't bank as much as some of their other movies with more popular characters, but then again, you never know. It's got the right cast, though, and if you've read my other posts, you know how important I think that is.
There isn't a trailer up for Guardians, yet, but this video will introduce them to you a little. 

8. The Lego Movie - Releasing February 7, 2014
  • There isn't a lot to say about this movie that you can't see in the trailer. It looks like a good, fun family movie with plenty of gags centered around pop culture. In what other movie could you see Abraham Lincoln, a ninja turtle, and Batman all in together? It kind of seems like it may have the same vibe as Wreck-It Ralph, and that was a surprisingly good time in my opinion. 

9. The Monuments Men - Releasing February 7, 2014
  • George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman, and a host of other great actors are all part of this (loosely) based on true events comedy. Basically, a platoon is put together to recover art from the Nazis who stole it in order to not lose that part of history. Clooney is directing a great cast here, and this is just the kind of movie you'd expect from him. The fact that Murray is in the movie says a lot, too. He's pretty particular about the roles he takes, so, when he's involved in a project, it basically has the BFM seal of approval. 

10. Muppets Most Wanted - Releasing March 21, 2014
  • The Muppet's previous, self-titled movie would have made it into my list of anticipated movies for 2011. but I hadn't started this tradition at that point. Jason Segel had a pretty big hand in writing that movie, but isn't involved in this production. That makes me a little sad, because I'm a huge fan of his, but at the same time, I'm glad to see someone else take a swing at the franchise. I'm also not a big fan of Tina Fey's; I don't dislike her either, though. Ricky Gervais on the other hand is hilarious. It seems like it's taking some notes from The Great Muppet Caper, and that's OK, too. 

11. Noah - Releasing March 28, 2014
  • Whether you're a believer in Christianity or not, you have to admit that the Bible contains some excellent stories. The story of Noah and the Great Flood is one of them. I've honestly never read the text, but I just might, because I'm interested in how much stretching and adding to the story Hollywood does to make this work. It's not like the miniseries based on the Bible from the History Channel. This is a big budget movie. If the industry can't stay true to Harry Potter or Hitchhiker's Guide, how can they stay true to Noah? Regardless, Emaa Watson for the win. 

12. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Releasing August 8, 2014
  • This movie could get an entire entry itself. I grew up on Ninja Turtles, and I'm still a fan today. The cartoon series from the late 80's and early 90's really cemented the characters' places in pop culture history, based on Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird's original comic series. The show was more kid oriented; the comics a bit darker. The first live-action movie (which was the highest-grossing independent film of all time for several years) found a place in between the comics and the show, leaning more toward the darker tone. The two following sequels went a little goofier. I'm hoping we get a somewhat darker tone in this new movie.

    People have been going crazy about the changes that director Michael Bay has been suggesting. One decision really got people worked up: the turtles were going to be aliens. Now, while I'm not all that big a fan of the idea, in the original comics, it comes out that the ooze that created the turtles is from another planet, so, I can see the connection. I recently saw pictures of a couple turtles and Shredder, which were quickly pulled back down by Paramount. I think they looked pretty good. Obviously, they were somewhat updated, as they have been in every incarnation. I'm going to wait to pass judgement after seeing the movie, not before. One image that did survive is the one to the right of the first possible poster for the film. 
13. Transcendence - Releasing Aptil 18, 2014
  • Johnny Depp plays a character, a scientist, who downloads his mind into a computer before losing his battle with a terminal illness. Soon, he becomes too powerful to stop, and as usual, that power corrupts him. It's an interesting concept, and one that has been talked about in nerd circles for years. Is it anywhere near the realm of actual scientific possibility? I have no idea, but I'd guess probably not. I love outside-the-box sci-fi movies like this, and while I imagine this won't turn out to be one of  the year's biggest earners, it will still be an interesting watch. 

14. Welcome to Yesterday - Releasing February 28, 2014
  • The second movie in the list to deal with time travel (Edge of Tomorrow above), this movie looks like it might be just independent enough to be something fresh on the topic. It kind of reminds me of the Butterfly Effect based on the trailer, a sort of "look how badly we screwed things up" idea. It also kind of reminds me of Chronicle, in the fact that it showcases some kids who come across power(s) that they can't understand or fully control. I'm sure it'll have some kind of twist at the end. I just hope it's one we can't see coming from a mile away. Also, I hope it's not quite as complex as Primer

15. X-Men: Days of Future Past - Releasing May 23, 2014
  • Of all the movies in this list, this is the one that I'm probably most excited for its potential to be awesome. Again, we're dealing with time travel, but it's on a grand scale. We get an excellent cast, combined from the original X-Men trilogy and the newer series that includes X-Men First Class. We get to see the sentinels, which is awesome. I just can't say enough about how much I want this movie to be awesome! That may turn out to be a bad thing, having my hopes set high. There isn't a trailer available, yet, but ::WOLVERINE SPOILER ALERT:: there is an awesome after-credits scene from Wolverine that sets things up. 


Movies That Pique My Interest

This list contains movies that look like they might be good or something I'm interested in seeing, but they don't quite have my full attention. There may be too little known about them, or they may just look kind of questionable, or maybe I just, only kind of want to see them. Shorter descriptions, too. The long list of movies of note below are ones that pinged the edge of my radar. If there were more information or a trailer available for a couple of them, they might have made the above list. 

1. 3 Days to Kill - Releasing February 21, 2014
    You can see how one
    might remind me of the other. 
  • This movie gets a spot on the list due to its star Kevin Costner, of whom I'm a huge fan. Plus, somewhat like Mr. Brooks, we get to see him in a different role than his usual. Costner plays a ex-secret agent who is given one more job with an ultimatum. He will also appear in two other movies mentioned in this post: Draft Day and Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
2. Bad Words - Releasing March 28, 2014
  • I am usually not a fan of Jason Bateman. I don't hate him with the same passion I do some other actors, but I don't tend to like his work. This movie looks a little different, placing him in a strange role. He plays a man who sets out to win the national spelling bee by using a loophole in the contest's rules. 
3. Fading Gigolo - Releasing January 16, 2014
  • Written by, starring, and directed by John Turturro, this film tells the story of two friends, one of whom sells the other into a career as a gigolo. The movie looks to be a sort of quirky comedy with heavy influence from costar Woodey Allen. 
4. The Grand Budapest Hotel - Releasing March 7, 2014
  • Wes Anderson movies usually don't do a lot for me. They always look really good in the previews, but upon actually viewing the movie, I get bored. I fell asleep watching Darjeeling Limited, and I turned off Moonrise Kingdom about fifteen minutes into the movie. I couldn't handle The Life Aquatic either. Hopefully, this one will be different. 
5. I, Frankenstein - Releasing January 24, 2014
  • I really enjoy the story of the Frankenstein monster. I've never read Shelley's original masterpiece, but I plan to sometime in the future. I like the idea of the monster's struggle to just live his life and be left alone. That is not what this movie is about, though. This movie sees the character set in modern times, fighting an army of demons. He's basically a super hero...or maybe an anti-hero. 
6. Interstellar - Releasing November 7, 2014
  • I don't know anything about this other than the fact that it's about space travel, is directed by Christopher Nolan (of the Batman trilogy fame), is written by Christopher and his brother Jonathan, and it stars Anne Hathaway. Wait, I know a couple more things, but those are the only ones I care about, that actually make me want to see the movie. Here's the synopsis from IMDB... "A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations of human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage."
7. Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons - Releasing March 7, 2014
  • From the mind that brought us Kung-Fu Hustle, a new martial arts comedy emerges. I had no idea what to expect on watching the previously mentioned work, but I was pleasantly surprised with the recommendation from a friend. It's really funny. 
This is a clip from Kung-Fu Hustle, a comedy kung-fu movie. 

8. Mr. Peabody & Sherman - Releasing March 7, 2014
  • I'm drawn to this for a couple of reasons. First, nostalgia draws me here, remembering this being one of the few cartoons on Cartoon Network my dad and I could both enjoy. Second, one of the voices is provided by Patrick Warburton, a voice actor I've enjoyed immensely since he voiced Kronk in The Emperor's New Groove
9. Non-Stop - Releasing February 28, 2014
  • So, I'm not sure, but this movie should maybe go in the "guilty pleasures" list. It kind of seems like some kind of weird cross between Taken and Flightplan. I'm not overly impressed with the plot of the movie, but I am excited to see Liam Neeson take on some bad guys again. It can't be any worse than The Grey
10. Sex Tape - Releasing July 25, 2014
  • There's not a lot of information on this movie available, yet, but what I do know is enough. Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz play a couple that makes a sex tape that then goes missing. I'm sure it's a comedy of errors during a frantic search to find the tape. 

Other Movies of Note

Big Hero Six; The Death of Superman Lives; Earth to Echo; Exodus; Fury Road; Devil's Due; Divergent; Heaven is for Real; The Interview; Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit; Jimmy P.; Jupiter Ascending; Knights of Badassdom; Million Dollar Arm; A Million Ways to Die in the West; Open Grave; Selfless; That Awkward Moment; Transformers: Age of Extinction

Guilty Pleasures

Maybe I shouldn't be excited for these, but I am.  So sue me! I know they're not going to be masterpieces, but there is something about each one that draws me into its web. I've listed a short word or two about what that something is for each film.


Biggest WTF Movies of 2014

This is my "I Can't Believe They're Making That (in bad way)" list. One of the movies on this list from last year surprised me by exceeding the lack of expectations I had for it in a big way. Hopefully, one of the movies below will do the same. 

1. The Equalizer
  • Denzel Washing takes on the lead role in this remake of the TV show of the same name, probably playing the same character he plays in all of his action movies. 
2. The Giver
  • This is a strange cast, and I think most of all, I'm going to avoid it because of Taylor Swift. 
Is there anyone that's really excited
for more of this? 
3. A Haunted House 2
  • This spoof movie series, including Scary Movie, Epic Movie, etc., just needs to die. They're not funny, and it's just time to let go of them. 
4. Life of a King
  • So, we've come to the point of inner-city redemption through chess. These types of movies should've ended a long time ago, too, or we need to at least be picking something more exciting than chess. 
5. Maleficent
  • I've never seen Sleeping Beauty, and that may have something to do with my lack of interest in this movie. Overall, I think it just doesn't look appealing to me. 
6. Need for Speed
  • I was a huge fan of Breaking Bad, and I'm happy to see Aaron Paul get his own vehicle (pun intended), but couldn't it have been something better than this? I mean, he's going to be in Exodus later this year. Did he really need to do this movie? A video game movie?!?!
I prefer science, personally. 
7. Paddington
  • I never was a fan of this children's book series growing up, and I think it's time we stop pursuing the need to turn this kind of thing into a movie. 
8. Son of God
  • I have no problem with a movie being made about Jesus Christ. What I have a problem with is a production company taking something they already released on TV (History Channel's The Bible) and recutting/repacking it as a movie. That's literally all it is! It's a way to make more money from something that you know people who are believers will go to see. 

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