Saturday, April 23, 2011

Scream 4

Starring: Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette
Directed by: Wes Craven
Rating: Liked It

I'm not a huge fan of the Scream franchise, but I have seen and enjoyed the three earlier films.  Scream was the first movie in the horror genre to be self-aware.  All the characters in Scream knew about horror movies - the same ones the view knew about, all the tricks to stay alive and all the cliches.  This is what made Scream different from other titles in the same genre.  This is what made Scream great.  It was a slasher film that was fun. 

The franchise over extended itself a little in my opinion, but not to the extent that other franchises have (i.e. Friday the 13th, Halloween).  So, when I heard a new installment was being released I was a little hesitant, but I definitely wanted to see it.  I guess I should say now that I'm not a big fan of the theater experience; I'd much rather wait for DVD on most films.  For some reason, I got in the mood to head to the theater, though.  I wasn't completely disappointed that Scream 4 is what drew me out to the theater, but there are other things that I would rather saved my $9.50 for later this summer. 

Scream 4 takes the idea of self-awareness and stretches it to the newest generation of horror films: remakes.  We get to see the recurring characters of the franchise and plenty of new faces.  Sidney Prescott returns home to Woodsborrow and the madness and murders start all over again.  This time around, the rules are all different. 

I was pretty happy with the film overall, but I felt like the comedy aspect of the film was pushed just a little past the envelope.  It has been a long time since I've seen the first three movies, but I don't remember them being quite as slapstick as this one.  The humor in this film wasn't really very clever.  I enjoyed the supporting cast a lot (Hayden Panettiere and Anthony Anderson in particular) and the simplicity of the gore.  Scream is still a slasher, and there's no torture porn to be found here.  If you're a big fan of the genre, Ghostface, Scream or Wes Craven, head out to see it.  If you're just mildly interested in keeping up with the story or the actors involved, wait for DVD. 

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