Saturday, March 31, 2012

21 Jump Street

Starring: Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill
Directed by: Phil Lord, Chris Miller
Rating: I Liked It

This week I'm in a bit of a rush, and I'm just going to keep this short and to the point.  I wasn't expecting much from this movie at all.  I rented it because I was bored, and I wanted something to watch.  It will probably be my biggest surprise of 2012.  I actually enjoyed this one.  

Jonah Hill (who I usually like) and Channing Tatum (who I usually can't stand) play well off one another.  The gags in the movie were a little cliche and some of them were over done, but all-in-all, it was funny.  The part about Hill's character hooking up with a high school girl was a little creep, but the people writing the movie didn't seem to think so, nor did anyone that was a part of making the movie...or if they did, they kept their mouth shut.  

I would definitely recommend this for a movie night at home.  It's got good laughs and pretty decent acting all around.  There are a couple of cool surprises, too.  

This movie also brings up a point I'm a little confused about in general.  There are two directors for this film.  It's not that uncommon, but that doesn't make it any easier to understand for me.  I kind of get it when the two people are brothers (the Wachowski brothers, etc.), but for two people to just direct a movie together.  I think that would be difficult, no matter how close you are.  It's just a random pondering of mine.  

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