Saturday, March 24, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse

Starring: Ving Rhames, Taryn Manning, Johnny Pacar
Directed by: Nick Lyon
Rating: I Didn't Like It

This is the standard zombie survival movie.  A group of survivors make their way to a safe zone of some sort.  Along the way, they experience death of friends and loved ones, meet other survivors, kill some zombies, etc.  It's nothing special.  I thought I'd give it a shot, though.  I was in the mood to watch a zombie flick, and this one had Rhames in it.  I figured it couldn't be horrible, and I still wouldn't label it as just wasn't good, either.

The Good:

  • Rhames for the most part doesn't disappoint.  His character here is the same as most of his characters, but I'm OK with that.  He fills those roles well.  
  • For the most part, the zombie makeup was pretty good.  SFX on the other hand...well, see below...
The Bad:

  • It amazes me that we haven't seen a movie yet where people already know how to deal with the zombie problem.  With all the zombie stuff in pop culture, you'd think people would know what's going on when it actually happens.  The naivety of the people in this film is worse than most, though.  
  • The SFX here are just awful.  It's so obvious most of the time that they're stabbing/slashing at absolutely nothing.  Maybe that comes from poor acting, too.  
  • The story is so generic!  There really wasn't anything different about this movie that made it stand out in my mind.  You need to give me something that's a little different, something special about this film.  
  • The characters were mostly annoying, and I really couldn't wait for the next one to die.  This is just the opposite of a good zombie thriller.  For example, every time another character dies on The Walking Dead I feel a little sad.  This movie just made me happy to see them go.  
The Ugly: 
  • !!SPOILER ALERT!!  There are a lot of movies out there that I can't find anything to put under this heading.  However, this one has something: the infected tigers.  That's right!  At the very end of the film while the group is making its final stand, they're attacked by a pair of tigers that are infected with the zombie virus.  They look awful, and it's a ridiculous plot twist.  Remember that something different I mentioned above?  Zombie tigers aren't it!  

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