Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Starring: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard
Directed by: Christopher Nolan
Rating: I Love It

Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy comes to a close with strong finish.  I'd like to say right away that I don't think that this was as good as The Dark Knight, but it was excellent.  The previous film in the trilogy is a hard one match or outdo.  It was just SO good.

I will say that I was pleased with the film over all.  There were a few things I'd have liked to have seen differently, but that's almost always true with a movie based on a story or characters that have such a long history and mythos.  I think Nolan did a great job all around directing the trilogy in the right direction.

The Good:

  • I loved how Catwoman/Selina (Hathaway) was handled.  She was a strong female character that also had a good heart and good morals.  Catwoman, traditionally, has been both a friend and foe to Batman.  We see that play out really well in this film.  
  • As much as I would've liked to have seen more Batman in this movie, I liked the way the film handled bringing him back into the public eye.  There's no way that he could've just jumped back into the bat suit after having been away from it for eight years.  Plus, it gave us a chance to see Lucius (Freeman) play his role as Batman's weapons guy.  This play between Lucius and Bruce reminds me a lot of Bond and Q from the 007 series.  
  • Once again, Nolan has taken a character and world that many would find extremely difficult to translate into something believable and done so very well.  If you attempt to go back and watch Tim Burton's films on the character...well, I couldn't even make it through the first one recently.  
  • Alfred (Caine) does something quite unexpected, at least to me, and I thought Caine did an awesome job with a very different side of the character.  
  • Gordon-Levitt has really become an awesome actor.  He's one of my favorites anymore.  I remember watching him on "Third Rock from the Sun" back in the day.  He did a great job with his character here, and I thought Nolan did a great job working in something special.  
  • You know that the writing in a film was really good when you would've been OK with a scenario playing out either way.  I won't put in any spoilers, but I would've been just fine with the film ending either of the two ways it could have.  
  • I don't know if you remember how Bane was handled in previous Batman films, but it was just ridiculous.  He was handled just awesome here.  I was glad they didn't have him hulk out.  He's just a big guy all around.  
  •  A couple of twists, the way the characters are left to move on with their lives, the way everything is wrapped up so nicely...the ending of this movie is one of the most well written ones I've ever seen.  
  • The scene where Bane and Batman have their first fight really shows you how powerful of a villain Bane really is to Batman.  
The Bad: 
  • As much as I liked the character of Bane and the way the worked him into the film, I wish I could've understood him better.  Don't get me wrong, I thought the voice fit the character well.  I just had a hard time making out some of the things he said.   
  • I wasn't a big fan of the design of "the bat".  Also, I thought Batman didn't use, I know that's a huge part of the character; however, he doesn't seem to mind putting them on all of his vehicles.  
The Ugly: 
  • This isn't necessarily directed at the film, but it kind of is.  You really have to go into any Batman story with a suspension of disbelief, obviously.  The thing that you really have to try to not think about is that so few people have made the connection between Batman and Bruce Wayne.  The coincidences of their time away, you never seem them together, Batman has all kinds of gadgets that would cost millions, you would think more people would put it together.  

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