Saturday, August 4, 2012

OFF WEEK - Expendables 2

I've had to concede to myself that there will be weeks in which I won't have time to update this blog.  It's not necessarily because I won't have time to write a review; it's more based on the time, or lack there of, that I have to watch a movie.  I could write and have written in some instances about movies I like but haven't seen recently.  However, when I do that, I tend to not be nearly as motivated in my writing, and the blog suffers.  

In place of writing a crappy review here and there, I've just decided to write a short paragraph for those weeks about a movie that is coming out soon that I'd like to see or a movie I've never seen that I intend to watch as soon as time permits.  Some of these will classics, some will be indies of which you may have never heard, some may will be unreleased titles.  Regardless, it will turn out better than if I just force an entry about something I'm not really motivated to write.  

I saw the first in this series not expecting a whole lot.  I think that made me enjoy it way more.  Stallone put together an impressive action cast, and he knew exactly the kind of film he was making.  He wasn't trying to impress anyone or win any Oscars.  He was simply making one awesome action movie.  He played to the strengths of his cast - no pun intended, wrote a good story, and kept the cheese this side of tolerable.  I won't see this one in theaters probably, but a lot of people have.  It was number one at the box office for several weeks.  I'll definitely be giving it a watch on blu-ray once it's released.  

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