Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Dennis Leary, Rhys Ifans
Directed by: Marc Webb
Rating: I Like It

I'm not going to bother with an in-depth premise for the movie.  If you don't know Spider-Man's back story, there are thousands of places online you can find it.  Suffice it to say that this movie deals with his help in the creation of and dealings with the Lizard.  

The Good: 
  • Normally, I'm OK with the changes to a character's history and continuity when making the shift from written work to the screen, and that was no different here.  The mostly subtle changes to Peter Parker's (Garfield) story are going to be significant n the coming films, but I don't think they significantly alter any important events from his world.  
  • This is possibly, almost positively, the first movie I've ever seen Leary in and enjoyed his part in it.  He did an excellent job.  
  • On the casting note, I liked Garfield as Spider-Man, and I thought Stone was great, too. 
  • I like that the writers found an alternative way for Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) to pass on the classic Spidey catch phrase, "with great power comes great responsibility" without actually coming out and saying it.  
  • I think keeping Spidey out of the wrestling ring, but still allowing him to get the idea for his suit from there, added to the gritty real-world feel of the movie.  Having Peter wrestle Bone Saw in Rami's first Spider-Man movie, though it may have been true to the comics, still took it out of the real feel.  
  • Additionally to the point above, the new way in which Peter becomes responisble for Uncle Ben's death was a good addition.  
  • The addition of Peter's parents' back story was interesting, too.  Of course, in the comics, we learn that they were agents of Shield.  I doubt that will be the case here; Sony doesn't have the rights to use the name of the organization.  
  • The pacing of the movie was great.  
  • The first-person camera shots we get of Spidey's movement is great!  It would've been awesome to see in 3D.  
The Bad:
  • I know that the Lizard is one of Spidey's big time foes and has been through the years over and over again, but I just thought there could've been a stronger choice for a villain.  
  • I kind of liked Sally Field as Aunt May, and I kind of didn't.  I'll have to wait and see her in the role more to decide for sure.  
The Ugly: 
  • The only reason this didn't just go under the bad category above is because I place so much importance on casting.  I didn't like Ifans at all.  Maybe that goes back to not liking the character, too, but I just didn't care for his portrayal.  

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