Saturday, December 15, 2012

OFF WEEK - Oblivion

I've had to concede to myself that there will be weeks in which I won't have time to update this blog.  It's not necessarily because I won't have time to write a review; it's more based on the time, or lack there of, that I have to watch a movie.  I could write and have written in some instances about movies I like but haven't seen recently.  However, when I do that, I tend to not be nearly as motivated in my writing, and the blog suffers.  

In place of writing a crappy review here and there, I've just decided to write a short paragraph for those weeks about a movie that is coming out soon that I'd like to see or a movie I've never seen that I intend to watch as soon as time permits.  Some of these will classics, some will be indies of which you may have never heard, some may will be unreleased titles.  Regardless, it will turn out better than if I just force an entry about something I'm not really motivated to write.

I had actually intended to watch Moonrise Kingdom this week, and I even rented it on my Xbox.  I got a bout twenty minutes into the movie, and I just couldn't continue with it.  I don't know exactly what I expected it to be, but I know what I saw wasn't it.  I wish, with Bruce Willis, Ed Norton and Bill Murray involved, I could recommend checking it out, but, sadly, I can't.  I didn't even watch enough of it to write a proper review about it.  So, let's talk about something I'm looking forward to seeing.

Oblivion is one of two "after the fall of the world" type movies coming out next year.  If you've read any handful of entries of my blog, you know that I'm really into post-apocalyptic films.  This movie, and the Will Smith starring After Earth, are both slated for next year, and I'm really excited to see them.  They'll probably both be on my most anticipated movie list for 2013.

I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan, but I don't really dislike him either.  I've really enjoyed some of his movies, and I've thought some of them were just OK.   I do, however, love Morgan Freeman, and it appears that he is the leader of some type of colony of people who still live on Earth.  From what the trailer suggests, there may be some kind of conspiracy keeping people off of Earth with some kind of front about how it's not suitable for human life any longer.  I'm interested to see how it plays out in the end.  

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