Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man 3

Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Ben Kingsley
Directed by: Shane Black
Rating: An Adam Favorite

I don't really know that there's any point in writing a review for this movie.  It's just going to be me writing about how much I enjoyed this movie.  I guess I'll put a little bit down anyway.  There are some possible spoilers here, but I'm staying away from anything big.  If you're a comic fan, there's nothing to worry about; otherwise, you might see something you didn't know.  

Marvel does, once again, one of the things it does best.  In casting Pearce and Kingsley to fill the roles of Aldrich Killian and the Mandarin, respectively, Marvel had great villains.  Of course, who could picture anyone but RDJ as Stark.  Paltrow, Cheadle, and Jon Favreau, once again as Happy, were all terrific.  Casting has been on of Marvel's strong points all along, and it was no different in this film, all the way down to the more minor characters.  

I really thought that after The Avengers Black would have a hard time giving us something that would top the action we'd seen.  Even after Joss Whendon had seen an early screening of the IM3 and commented that he had no idea what he would do with the Avengers' sequel to top the ending of Black's film, I was still skeptical.  Well, I shouldn't have been.  The action was pretty amazing and intense.  

One of the other elements that really makes the Iron Man films stand out from the others, is the comedy.  Each film in the MCU has its moments of humor, but RDJ as Stark brings something entirely different to the table.  The sarcastic brand of humor he wields is unlike any other character we've seen so far.  I dread the day with he chooses to no longer portray the character.  

Like I said, I could go on and on with what I liked about this movie, but I just suggest you go see it.  I'm planning on going again, and I don't often see movies twice in theaters.  Actually, it's only happened once, and I only went the second time because some friends hadn't seen the movie, yet.  Go see this movie, right now.  

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