Saturday, October 12, 2013

After Earth

Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smith
Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan 
Rating: It Was OK

This movie wasn't quite what I was hoping it would be. I'd forgotten until I saw his name in the credits that Shyamalan directed the movie. Now, that doesn't mean anything negative. While I haven't really enjoyed some of his recent work, I won't turn the guy out altogether. However, even before I was reminded of his involvement, I was hoping for that sci-fi twist we're all so use to seeing in recent sci-fi pictures.  I'll save you the suspense: there is no twist.  

Now, I don't mean I wanted an ending like Shyamalan's other works, but something small would've been nice. I was looking for something more along the lines of Oblivion. There was plenty of action and suspense sprinkled throughout that film. Maybe that's what I was missing. It's not really even the lack of a twist; I just didn't feel the suspense/thriller vibe I wanted. 

This is one of those cases where I watched a movie that was overall pretty good. It was well acted and directed, well made for the most part. It just wasn't what I wanted to see. It was much like the opposite of what happened when I watched The Watch or This is the End. With both of those movies, I got more, be it for better or worse, than I expected. In After Earth, I got less than expected. 

If you enjoy a good sci-fi movie, take the time to sit down and watch it. If you're looking for something that will be edge-of-your-seat material, pass on this one. It's not all that disappointing for everyone I'm sure, but I just didn't find what I was looking for here. 

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