Saturday, October 8, 2011

Everything Must Go

Starring: Will Ferrell, Rebecca Hall, Christopher C.J. Wallace
Directed by: Dan Rush
Rating: I Liked It

The Good:

  • Ferrell in a role where he doesn't go to the awkward, rude, arrogant humor that we're so familiar with seeing him use.  Often times we see comedic actors play a more serious role and it just doesn't work.  I was thoroughly impressed with Ferrell here.  
  • Wallace was GREAT!  This is the ONLY acting credit - or credit of any kind for that matter - that is listed for him on IMDB.  That's a shame because I really liked him.  
  • The plot is taken from a short story by Richard Carver: "Why Don't You Dance?"  I've seen a lot of negative reviews about the way the writer (also director Dan Rush) went about stretching a short story with one scene into a feature length film.  I thought it was a good story.  
The Bad: 
  • The pacing of the film was a little slow.  
  • There were a lot of cliches in this movie, and I saw a lot of what was coming way before it ever happened.  
The Ugly: 
  • As good as the rest of the cast was, I really don't care for Michael Pena.  He plays a detective who happens to be Nick Halsey's (Ferrell) AA sponsor.  He just didn't measure up to the rest of the cast. 

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