Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood

Starring: Kane Hodder, Lar Park-Lincoln
Directed by: John Carl Buechler
Rating: I Really (in context of the series) Liked It

I'm going to break my most recent review format and write a straight paragraph to start this one with.  With it being Halloween weekend, I decided I should review a "scary" movie.  There are a few in my blog from previous dates as well if you want something different.  I chose this one because I'm a big fan of the series, or more directly, I'm a big fan of the character.

Even from a young age I was always on the Jason side of the Michael Myers/Jason Voorhees/Fred Krueger debate. I just thought that Jason was the ultimate killer.  He never really died.  He would just get imprisoned back in the lake or some other resting place, waiting to again be awakened.

If you've never seen any of the series, you could really pick any of them up and with minimal back story know what's happening.  I suggest this one just because it's a little different, and it's the one where Jason looks the best.

The Good:

  • This is the best looking Jason makeup from the original series eight films.  The shots where we see his back, and the shot where he loses his mask are very gruesome and detailed (see below).  
  • Hodder plays gets to portray the best looking Jason!  In my opinion, Kane Hodder is Jason Voorhees.  He played the character for four films and is the only person to portray Voorhees more than once.  The way he moves and the way he portrays thoughts of a completely silent character with head tilts and body language are great.  
  • We get to see Jason take on something he hasn't faced before: as telepath.  Tina Shepherd (Park-Lincoln).  It creates some interesting new scenarios, and I really appreciate Paramount for trying to put a new spin on things.  
The Bad: 
  • It's a part VII in a series.  That says a lot. 
  • The budget is low as always. 
  • The acting wasn't great.  
The Ugly: 
  • It's a slasher movie from the 80s.  What do you think? 

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