Saturday, October 22, 2011

Green Lantern

Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard
Directed by: Martin Campbell
Rating: I Liked It

The Good: 

  • The special effects in the this movie were pretty amazing.  Everything from Green Lantern's costume to the space scenery was awesome looking.  There was one downfall...(see point one under The Ugly).  
  • Michael Clark Duncan's voice fit the image of the Killowag character dead to rights.  
  • I liked seeing a lesser known (in comparison to Batman, Superman, Captain America, etc.) character get a movie.  They're talking about - and have been for a long time - a Dr. Strange movie.  Green Lantern makes me think they should leave it alone, though.  
The Bad: 
  • The best thing about all of the comic book movies that have been good, has been the casting.  Good examples: Kelsey Grammar as Beast, Heath Ledger as Joker, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man...even the minor roles like Stellan Skarsgard as Erik Selvig in Thor or Tommy Lee Jones as Colonel Chester Phillips and Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark in Captain America.  The casting makes these movies!  Green Lantern was not cast well.  I really like Reynolds, and I've even seen him in some more serious roles and liked him in those; however, he didn't work as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern.  
  • The story wasn't developed enough.  That's one of the traps of doing a lesser known character.  Everybody knows Superman's story, but not many people know Green Lantern's.  The voice over at the beginning of the movie that told us the back story didn't cut it for me.  
  • As I said above, the special effects were good...really good, but you can't let the effects carry the entire movie!  The acting, sets, know the REAL movie stuff still has to be good, too.  
The Ugly: 
  • When Sarsgaard is in makeup for his "fear" infected super villain, it's just silly.  I've liked Sarsgaard in other roles, and I think he's a good actor.  I just couldn't take this seriously.  
Final Word: You can take it or leave it.  In my opinion, it was just OK, and in no way lives up to other similar titles.  If you're a big fan of the character, you might enjoy it.  If you're just looking for a good movie, I'd pick up something else.  

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