Starring: Michael Parks, Melissa Leo, John Goodman
Directed (and Written) by: Kevin Smith
Rating: I Liked It
The Good:
- I enjoyed Smith's writing in a plot that didn't involve Jay & Silent Bob. It's still clever and witty, but it wasn't filled with poop jokes either. The language was still pretty rough, though.
- I like to see people take on topics in their work about which they're passionate. Smith has expressed his support of the gay community - and even though I don't see everything the way he does - I still like that he took on a topic like that here. The movie is about extremists, but this kind of stuff happens...the gay bashing and physical violence part anyway. He's really speaking out against it here.
- There isn't anyone in this movie that's in the usual Smith call list of actors, at least not that I noticed. We see Kevin Pollack for a very brief cameo. Goodman is great in this role. I can't imagine anyone playing the role of the crazed cult leader better than Parks. Casting is good here all around. ]
- The very last line of the film is great.
The Bad:
- I know why he wrote it so long, but I didn't much care for the extended monologue from Parks' character Abin Cooper. It just seemed to drag on forever...which is exactly what Smith was trying to show I think.
- I didn't like ::SPOILER ALERT:: that all three of the hostages died while some of the "terrorists" lived. It was just angering, but again, I'm sure that's part of what he was trying to achieve.
The Ugly:
- This comment has nothing to do with the movie, but I still feel it's ugly. I'm sure that a lot of Kevin Smith haters will say that he's lashing out against the church. I don't see it that way. He's lashing out against zealots and extremists. I'm sure there's plenty of hate mail floating his way. There always is...
WARNING: This is an unrated trailer.
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