Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, et. al.
Directed by: Alan Taylor
Rating: I Liked It a Lot

Thor is probably my least favorite of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. It's a close race between it and The Incredible Hulk. I think I have to give the hulk a little more credit, though. I just like the character of Hulk better. I digress... Thor: The Dark World ranks much higher on the scale than it's predecessor.

While it's hard to beat the climax of Iron Man 3, Thor: TDW comes pretty close to keeping things moving as quickly. I personally don't think that there could be a moment I felt more excited than when I saw a fleet of Iron Man suits flying toward the final battle in IM3. While IM3 wasn't perfect, it was a lot of fun, and I think it is probably my favorite from the MCU, with the exception of The Avengers of course. I'm hoping that Whedon can surprise us again with the Avengers sequel and come out on top with something even better. I'm sure he will, but now, I'm off track.

TDW's final battle, to me, was reminiscent of the final battle in Man of Steel. It's a little over the top, but it's what you might expect from two titans going at it. Plus, we add in the element of the "magic" from other worlds, and it gets a little better still.

The acting, as always in the MCU, was amazing. Hemsworth's portrayal of Thor is great, and Tom Hiddleston, as his conniving brother Loki, hits the nail on the head again. Anthony Hopkins is spot on, but when isn't he? The extended cast did a great job, too. The only weak spot was Kat Dennings, but I feel like that's more of a fault with her character than her portrayal.

While the first film in the Thor series had a few elements of humor, it seems like this movie went out of its way to make jokes. I would've been fine with that, well, I was fine with it, so, I should say that I'd be more OK with it, had the jokes been better. There were a few honest laugh-out-loud moments, but some of the gags were just a little too corny for me.

I still have to recommend seeing this one in theaters if you get the chance. It's worth the ticket price to experience it on the big screen with big sound. It's a fun romp through the Marvel Universe that will hold us all over until we get to see Captain America, in what I must add is an awesome looking new costume, next year in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I have a feeling...I hope anyway, that it will take a similar tone to the first, being a bit more on the serious side in tone.

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