Saturday, February 9, 2013

Most Anticipated Movies of 2013

I really wanted to have this done earlier, but I just haven't had time to get it completed.  I've still only seen one of the films mentioned, and I'll be writing about it soon.  It'll probably be up next week.

Most Anticipated Movies

  1. After Earth - Releases: June 7

    I've always been a Will Smith fan, starting way back in the day when I was a kid watching “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”.  I've seen pretty much everything he’s done, and I've liked it all, too.  I don’t even hold the hatred for Wild, Wild West that most people do.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn't a good movie, but it’s fun to watch…for me anyway.  So, you put one of my favorite actors in a post-apocalyptic movie, which is my favorite genre, and I’m all in for this one. 

  2. Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - Releases: January 25

    I’m not the biggest fan of this surge of fairytales being put on the big screen, but this one is really looking good.  I was pushed into watching Snow White and the Huntsman by a friend, and there’s no way this or any of the other similar films can be as bad as that.  What really draws me to this one is the flip on the classic tale, putting the title characters on the other side of the chase.  

  3. The first two installments of this movie, though, I tend to agree with the majority that the first was better than the second, were both good.  The trick here for Marvel is going to be producing a movie about one of their characters after producing an awesome movie that involved them all: The Avengers.  We’re all of course looking forward to that sequel, but I’m personally interested in seeing not only the movies leading into that sequel, but also, the S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series that’s set to debut this fall that’s set after the events of the first Avengers movie, starring Agent Colson.  You can check out a great article over at Screen Rant about the new TV series.  

  4. Jack the Giant Slayer - Releases: March 1

    Please see the Hansel & Gretel retelling above for my initial thoughts on movies based off fairy tales.  On the other hand, this movie looks to put Ewan McGregor in role I've never seen him in and put humans against a greater threat than themselves.  I’m sure this will be family friendly, but I look forward to it nonetheless.  

  5. Last Vegas - Releases: November 1

    It’s got a clever title and some of my favorite actors: Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, and, most importantly, Kevin Kline.  I’m not a huge Michel Douglas fan, but in certain roles, I’ve liked him.  All in all, this tale about a group of buddies in their late sixties throwing a bachelor party for the one of them that has yet to get married sounds like The Hangover for the AARP class, and I’m totally OK with that.  I kind of imagine this to be my friends celebrating for me when we get to that age.  

  6. Superman Returns was the last time we saw the titular character on screen.  It wasn't as disappointing for me as it was a lot of people.  Especially after hearing Kevin Smith tell us what could've been had some other big names in Hollywood gotten their way (see video below).  I’m really looking forward to this one, because I’m a big fan of the character, but also because, it’s been promised to be a take on what it would be like if he really showed up in our reality today.  

    That clip is from An Evening with Kevin Smith.  You should check it out.  

  7. The Monuments Men - Releases: December 18

    I hadn't heard anything about this one until I went looking at the release slate for this year.  It drew my interest initially due to the cast, particularly, Bill Murray, Matt Damon, Daniel Craig, and John Goodman, along with George Clooney providing another spot in the cast as well as directing and sharing writing credits with source material’s author, Robert M. Edsel, and Grant Heslov who, beyond being an actor in more than fifty films, worked as a writer with Clooney on other projects like The Ides of March.  

    The plot is about a group of men out to save renown works of art before Hitler can have his way with destroying them.  It’s a stretch with a Clooney film, but this could be a great Indian Jones-esque adventure, and with Hitler’s ties to the occult, we might even see some supernatural, though, that’s even more of a stretch in a Clooney film.  

  8. Now You See Me - Releases: June 7

    I know that I've mentioned the cast in several of these reviews, but it’s really important in my movie experience, especially when one of them is Isla Fisher.  This is also the second one in the list to involve Morgan Freeman.  We’re also getting Mark Ruffalo, Michael Cain, and a repairing of Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg who made a great pair in Zombieland.  Basically, a group of illusionists rob banks during their shows, and they then give the money to the audience.  The chase is on from the FBI who is trying to figure out how they pull off their crimes.  Tell me that trailer below doesn't make you want to see this!

  9. Oblivion - Releases: April 12

    This is post-apocalyptic, and honestly, that’s all it takes to get me interested.  I don’t really know a lot about the specifics of the plot, but I like Tom Cruise, and for a third time, I get to mention how much I enjoy Morgan Freeman’s work.  The trailer was enough to get me ready for this one, so, I’ll make it readily available for you, too.  

  10. This one was actually in my “Other Movies of Note” section until I saw the trailer, and then, WOW!  It’s definetly a Die Hard kind of situation, but Gerard Butler is filling Bruce Willis’s shoes.  I think Butler has done some good work since 300, but I’m definitely in the minority there.  Don’t get me wrong, not everything he touches is gold (i.e. Gamer), but I think his main problem is having to live up to his role as King Leonidas in one of the greatest movies ever produced, so, his roles in movies like P.S. I Love You get overlooked due to the type of movie/role they are.  I think he may win some people back with this one.

  11. Star Trek: Into Darkness - Releases: May 17

    I’ve never been a fan of this series.  I sat down and tried to watch the first Star Trek movie ever made, and I made it about twenty minutes in before I had to turn it off or throw my TV our the window.  Imagine my surprise when I sat down to watch the JJ Abrams (one of the main reasons I did watch) directed reboot and really enjoyed it.  The cast was great, and the story was compelling.  I can’t wait to see what this sequel turns out like.  I’m expecting a lot, but I imagine Abrams will live up to it, as well as the absurdly expectations people will surely have for his upcoming Star Wars film.   

  12. Thor: The Dark World - Releases: November 8

    I don’t know that I really need to say a lot about this film.  A lot of people agree that Thor was the best of The Avengers lead-in films.  I can’t say I completely disagree, despite how much I enjoyed Iron Man.  This one is supposed to take us on a slightly darker trip, all while exploring more of the nine realms.  I won’t start speculating on how all that ties into what’s speculated to come of Marvel Cinema’s Phase Two, because that’s a whole post on its own.  

  13. Warm Bodies - Releases: February 1

    The zombie craze has been huge the last few years, but it’s often the same old story told a slightly different way.  Sometimes you have movies like Fido or TV shows like “The Walking Dead” that come along that show a initiative to diversify the genre, but most of the time it’s just the same old Romero tale with less creativity that we’ve seen copied a hundred times before.  This one is something that intrigues me, because it’s a somewhat original concept.  A zombie dude meets a still living girl, and the connection he feels starts to bring him back from the undead.  As long as it doesn’t turn out like Twilight, redefining the genre for the worst, I’m on board.  

  14. I read the source material for this book, the Max Brooks novel of the same title, last year.  I had wanted to read it for a lot longer, but I never put my mind out to do so.  I’m really glad I finally sat down and took the time.  The book explores situations that I don’t think have ever crossed the mind of most people in the zombie culture, both scientific and socially.  Brad Pitt put a into this movie, and you can find it on my most anticipated list from last year; it had its release date pushed back.  I hope that Pitt and his team can bring the same provocative ideas to life on screen that Brooks did on the page.  

  15. The World’s End - Releases: October 25

    Edgar Wright closes out his Simon Pegg, Nick Frost starring trilogy with a tale about a group of friends making their way to a pub named The World’s End at the same time the end of the world appears to be taking place.  I don’t need any other reason to watch this beyond knowing how much I enjoyed Shaun of the Dead (another of the out-of-the-box zombie movies mentioned under number 13 in this list) and Hot Fuzz, the first two in the aforementioned trilogy.  I hope they can do for the apocalyptic genre what they did for the zombie and buddy cop genre with the two predecessors. 

Movies That Pique My Interest
The explanations for the placement of these movies on the list won’t be quite as long as the ones above.  Then, there’s a short list below with no explanation whatsoever. 

  1. Admission

    Paul Rudd and Tina Fey together should be interesting.  Although, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m probably going to compare it to I Love You, Man, and it will never live up to that standard.  

  2. Elysium

    A post-aplocolyptic tale from Neil Blomkamp, the man who brought us District 9, after being told he couldn’t make a Halo movie.  I’m thinking this will be awesome. 

  3. I, Frankenstein

    I like the tale of Frankenstein and his famous monster a lot.  I’ve never seen a movie that really depicted Shelley’s original vision as well as her book, and I don’t see this telling that story.  It could be something completely different, and that might be the thing it needs to be a hit.  

  4. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

    A mystical tale that might wind up being geared a little too strongly at the young adult demographic for my taste; however, I’m always willing to give something like this a try.  

  5. Movie 43

    With a cast like the one this movie has, you can’t help but want to see it while at the same time be afraid of what may come of it.  

  6. Oldboy

    Josh Brolin has really one be over in the last few years, and I’ve always wanted to see the original version of this movie from Korea.  I can’t help but think it has to turn out better than some of the other Americanizations of foreign films.  

  7. Oz: The Great and Powerful

    I just recently finished reading Frank L. Baume’s original The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.  I haven’t seen the movie based off his book since I was very young, but reading it has renewed my interest in Land of Oz, especially after seeing some of scenes in previews that reference the book but were left out of the original film.  

  8. The Place Beyond the Pines

    I had never heard about this movie until very recently, and it’s got me.  It’s a fight for survival story where the only way to survive appears to be an illegal one.  I know he’s done a few I’ve missed, but I’m interested to see Bradley Cooper in a more serious role.  

  9. Red 2

    If you haven’t seen Red, watch it!  You definitely won’t regret it.  If you do, you’ll understand why I’m excited for this sequel with Anthony Hopkins added into the mix.  

  10. Stand Up Guys

    I like to see movies where older actors play roles that are age appropriate, not that they can’t still play the BA sometimes, too.  I just like to see them satirizing their younger selves in a Grumpy Old Men kind of way. 

Other Movies of Note

300: Rise of an Empire; 42; A Glimpse Inisde the Mind of Charles Swan III; About Time; The ABCs of Death; Dark Skies; Dorothy of Oz; Escape from Planet Earth; Evil Dead; The Great Gatsby; Grudge Match; Jack Ryan; John Dies at the End; The Lone Ranger; Mama; The Monuments Men; The Purge; Riddick; R.I.P.D.; Saving Mr. Banks; Storage 24; Quartet; You’re Next

Guilty Pleasures
Maybe I shouldn’t be excited for these, but I am.  So sue me!

  1. A Good Day to Die Hard

    Another outing with John McClain?  I’m gonna see, and I’ll probably like it.  I’m happy that I can watch these movies and others like them without the skeptic-vision many other people can’t seem to go to the movie without anymore.  

  2. Anchorman: The Legend Continues

    I’m not one of those people that’s seen the first installment of Ron Burgundy’s story fifty times; actually, I don’t’ think I’ve seen it but once.  That one viewing was enough, but with a new story, I’m ready for more.  

  3. The Last Stand

    Stallone and crew proved that they could still tear it up in Expendables 2 last year, and I have no doubt that Schwarzenegger, who has recently signed on for a new Terminator movie, will prove it again with this film.  Again, I expect to see lots of tongue-in-cheek humor geared at Arny’s age.  

  4. Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection 

    Yes, I will watch a remake of Romero’s original masterpiece set in Britain.  

  5. I had a concept for a movie like this several years ago where a disaster happened and all these people who are action stars in Hollywood had to actually save the day as their everyday selves.  I think doing it with comedic actors is ever better. 

Biggest WTF Movies of 2013
This is my "I Can't Believe They're Making That (in bad way)" list.  

  1. Battle of the Year: The Dream Team

    I’d look the other way about another dance battle movie, but now you’re dragging a “LOST” star into the mix.  Josh Holloway, no less!  He’s better than this movie.  I’m assuming he’s late on a house payment or something.  

  2. The Hangover Part III

    Can we not just let a series die anymore.  I didn’t watch the second one in the series and won’t, nor will I partake in this, the third installment.  Why is it that everything that comes out has to have a sequel, and if it gets a sequel, Hollywood feels like it needs to be at LEAST a trilogy?  Trilogies and longer series used to be reserved for cheesy horror movie characters no one wanted to see die off and really epic stories that took more than one movie to tell…not a clone of the film that came before it to make more money.  

  3. Fast & The Furious Part 6

    Please see the ran under the previous film in this list.  

  4. G.I. Joe: Retaliation 

    Was there anyone out there that really thought the first G.I. Joe movie was so good that they couldn’t wait to see another one?  If so, just punch them in the face, steal $10.00 from their wallet, and save them the two hours of their life they’ll waste on this movie.  Seriously!  Also, Bruce Willis doesn’t need to be in this; I’m going to pretend he’s not.  

  5. The Host

    Here’s another spin on Invasion of the Body Snatchers that we really don’t need.  

  6. Hummingbird

    This whole Jason Statham thing has gotten way out of hand.  He shouldn’t even be famous!  He is not a good actor.  That is all.  

  7. The Incredible Burt Wondersonte

    Jim Carey made some really good comedies.  He’s done some great work in drama, too, albeit underrated.  This is one of his more ridiculous outings from the looks of it.  I could really do without it.  If you want something along these lines, might I recommend an actual good movie: The Great Buck Howard.  

  8. Parker

    This whole Jason Statham thing has gotten way out of hand.  He shouldn’t even be famous!  He is not a good actor.  That is all.  

    Yes, I copied and pasted that out of pure facetiousness.   

  9. Scary Movie 5

    Does anyone else miss the time when the Wayans brothers were actually funny.  I was never a huge fan of theirs, but the did produce some laugh-inducing projects.  This whole “Movie Movie” thing (i.e. Epic Movie, Scary Movie) has just made me lose all respect for them.  There was a time when spoof comedies like The Naked Gun and Hot Shots actually tried to put some effort into their writing.  They didn’t just stick a penis or poop joke in the middle of a cloned scene from another movie and call it funny.   

  10. I know this may not be the movie you’d expect to see on this list, but it seems to me that Wolverine movies are just being made now to capitalize on the character and for no other reason.  The character will be in next year’s X-Men film, and I personally think that’s enough.  I hope that this really turns out to be the movie fans are hoping for (me included), but I don’t have high hopes.  

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