Saturday, December 29, 2012

Year End Movie Review - 2012

This is my second year doing a year-end post.  I'm going to stick pretty much to the same format as last year's.  I'm going to give a run down on the top ten movies from this past year, a short list of movies that surprised me,  a look at a few movies I suggest you avoid, and a remind of some movies I really wanted to see but haven't had the chance, yet.  

Next week, you can tune in to find my most anticipated films listing for the coming year.  It's probably the hardest list to narrow down.  Hopefully, I'll have time to get it together by then.  

Top Ten Movies of 2012

I need to preface this list by saying that I missed a lot of the movies I wanted to see this year, which is obvious from my extended list of them below.  All of the movies listed in this top ten are good, but I feel like some of the others I missed would've knocked a few of these off the top ten.  To get you started, I've also included a movie trailer mashup video from sleepyskunk over at YouTube.  It's pretty in-depth, and you can tell, if you notice the subtle pieces of it, that there was a lot of forethought in this.

  1. The Amazing Spider-Man -  Full Review

    As much as I enjoyed parts of the Sam Raimi trilogy, this is probably my favorite Spidey film.  I really missed J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, but other than that, it was pretty much an improvement all around.
  2. The Avengers - Full Review

    This movie is claimed by many to be the best superhero film of all time.  That's a hard claim to dispute.  It's hard to compare it to the other big superhero franchise of our time (Nolan's Batman series), because they're so different in feel and design.
  3. Cabin in the Woods - Full Review

    This is the second film on this top ten that involves Joss Whedon.  He pulled The Avengers together like no one else could've in my opinion.  Here he helped to craft a horror film that actually revitalized the genre.
  4. Chronicle - Full Review

    It's a gritty, different kind of take on superpowers.  I don't that anything else need be said.
  5. The Dark Knight Rises - Full Review

    Nolan's Batman trilogy makes all of its predecessors look absolutely ridiculous.  I used to love Nicholson's Joker, but I tried watching Burton's Batman after watching Batman Begins, and I couldn't even make it through the first twenty minutes or so.  Nolan has created the closest thing to a real world take on Batman we're probably ever going to get.
  6. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Full Review

    I honestly had no idea what to expect in this movie when I went in to see it.  I went with a friend, and I was pleasantly surprised.  Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock always do a great job, though, so, I knew to expect good performances.  The story is great, too.  I've started the book, and, so far, I'm enjoying it, too.
  7. The Hobbit - Full Review

    I still stand by my ideal that a movie can be good even if you don't like it.  That's the case here.  I understand that big fans of the series really enjoyed this film, and it's very well done, even if the humor is a little heavier than I cared for personally.  It's a good movie regardless.
  8. The Hunger Games - Full Review

    If I had my choice, this movie would've been a little less like a family film and a little more like Battle Royale.  I like the premise, but it was a little more tame than I'd appreciate.  I get that it's based off of a book for teens.  Maybe I just want to see a more grownup version.
  9. Men in Black 3 - Full Review

    I make it a point to watch anything in which Will Smith is cast.  Yes, even Wild, Wild West was good for what it was.  His next film is for sure going to be on my most anticipated list for 2013.  MIB 3 was just what I expected, a fun romp through time with a bunch of aliens abounding.
  10. Promethius

    This is the one movie that made my list that didn't get a full review this year.  I don't write this blog just to write it.  If a movie doesn't move me in some way to write about it, I don't.  It may sound odd saying that about a movie that makes my top ten, but that's how it is.  This was an interesting take on the sci-fi genre, and though I didn't immerse myself any deeper in the film than just a casual watch, I can still appreciate its significance.
Movies that Surprised from 2012

What a lot of people don't realize is that there is a big difference in movies that you liked and movies that are good.  Just because you enjoyed a movie doesn't mean it was a good movie.  That just means that you enjoyed it.  I'm very aware of this fact, and typically, these fit under the idea that I wasn't expecting much and was surprised how much I enjoyed a movie.  So, here's a list of movies that surprised me this past year, mainly because I wasn't expecting much.  
  1. 21 Jump Street

    I didn't expect to like this at all, but I was bored one weekend and decided to rent three or four movies.  This was one of them that somewhat caught my interest slightly.  I'm glad I checked it out.  It was pretty funny.  It's not a great movie, but it made me laugh a few times. If you want a sneak at one of the film's funnier sequences that plays against the stereotype of major actions movies, check out the clip below.  Beware, NSFW language.

  2. The Expendables 2

    I thought for sure I knew exactly what I was walking into with this one, and I was completely right for the most part.  The thing that surprised me was how old some of these guys are looking.  Arnold and Van Damme looked particularly worn out.  Stallone has aged pretty well, and so has Bruce.  The most surprising fact was that I learned Chuck Norris is in his 70s!  Talk about aging well.  That's impressive.  All-in-all, it's a good explosion flick.
  3. Safe House

    I liked seeing Denzel Washington as the bad guy for the first time since Training Day, but he's not really all that bad.  Still...  Ryan Reynolds was good in a different kind of role for him as well.  The movie was pretty predictable, but I wasn't really expecting it to hold my attention at all, and it did a pretty good job in actuality.
  4. Sinister - Full Review

    This movie makes this list of five simply because it made me jump a few times.  That's a fairly difficult task to accomplish.  Not many horror films accomplish that anymore.  It was a strange take on the standard demon movie. If you plan on watching it, DON'T watch the clip below; you'll ruin every scary scene in the movie.

  5. The Woman in Black - Full Review

    I really liked Daniel Radcliff in this movie.  My review at the time gave it a "Didn't Like It" rating, but I look back on it more fondly.  That may be because I don't remember it that well, or it could be because in comparison with other movies I saw later in the year (this one came out in January) I realized it held up pretty well in comparison.  

Movies to Avoid from 2012

I left off a few of the obvious, at least to me, films.  For example, you're not going to find the G.I. Joe based sequel, any movies based off video games that shouldn't have movies based on them, or the Ghost Rider sequel...or any other Nick Cage movie for that matter.  For the record, I didn't see any of those anyway.  
  1. The Campaign  This one was just bad.  It wasn't really funny at any point.  It was caught in some weird space between ridiculous comedy and political satire, a land where comedy doesn't exist, apparently.
  2. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

    I get the urge to watch a kid/family movie every now and then.  I picked this one based on Michael Caine's appearance in the movie.  However, apparently Caine must've just been behind on some payments or something.
  3. Moonrise Kingdom

    I sat down to watch this, being really excited for a movie with both Bruce Willis and Bill Murray.  The sad part was that I didn't even make it thirty minutes into it before shutting it down.  This probably would've gone in the list below, but I was somewhat prepared for something weird.
  4. Resident Evil: Retribution - Full Review

    If another RE movie is released, I'll go watch it.  I'll continue to go watch them based completely on my love for the RE franchise.  Some people would argue that same love should be what keeps me away.  I knew exactly what I was going to get from this movie, and it's exactly what I got.
  5. Snow White and the Huntsman - Full Review

    A chick friend of mine convinced me to go see this with her.  I want to sue her for compensation of the time lost I'll never get back.  Chris Hemsworth did as well as he could in this movie.  Other than that, everything was just awful.  

The movies above were ones that I watched without any expectations at all.  The movies that follow are ones for which I had high hopes for one reason or another.  Unfortunately, they turned out to be less than I had expected.  

  1. The Divide - Full Review

    I was excited about this at first.  It actually made my most anticipated list for 2012.  However, it crossed the line from post-apocalyptic to torture porn...a line I didn't even know existed.  Bad acting, bad script, bad premise...all bad.
  2. The Five-Year Engagement - Full Review

    I think anything I see Paul Rudd or Jason Segal in from now on that isn't I Love You, Man is going to be a disappointment.  This movie wasn't all that bad; it was actually OK, but it just wasn't as good as I'd hoped.
  3. The Grey - Full Review

    This is probably the biggest disappointment on the list.  I don't want to waste more of my life typing about it.  Read the full review if you're interested.
  4. The Intruders

    I was hoping for a cool horror movie with a big name actor, Clive Owen.  What I got was a standard, generic horror flick with a big name actor, Clive Owen.
  5. Wanderlust

    This Paul Rudd movie fared better than the Jason Segal flick above, but it still has to live up to the same comparison, and it fell short.  Please, see number two in this list.  This movie did have a few shock laughs and genuinely funny moments.  It almost crossed the ridiculous line, but they always seemed to reign it back in before it went too far.  Plus, Jennifer Aniston is in it, and she's still looking pretty good.  

Movies I Missed in 2012

I managed to knock my full list of movies I wanted to see in 2012 but didn't get the chance down to a top ten.  That's a lot of work considering I started with a list of twenty-nine movies.  I'm put them in paragraph form below the ten I most wanted to see but haven't gotten around to seeing, yet.
  1. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

    Against the advice of a couple of my friends whose opinions on movies I usually consider carefully, I'm probably going to watch this at some point.  I can't say that I'll like it.  I had doubts all the way from the first trailer.  It might be worth it, though.
  2. Django Unchained

    I am not a big Tarantino fan, but I like DiCaprio and Waltz a lot.  Foxx can also do some really good work here and there.  I like the premise of this movie, too.  I think the main thing I don't like about Tarantino's work is the kung fu aspect.  I've never been into that.  I liked Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Bastards, and neither of them had any of the kung fu stuff, so, maybe that explains it.
  3. Hitchcock

    I always liked Hitchcock's stuff.  I remember watching reruns of his TV show on Nick-at-Nite when I was little.  Putting Anthony Hopkins in the title role sealed the deal for me.
  4. Hyde Park on Hudson

    I honestly think that Bill Murray could play any role that he takes on, and that's because he takes on the right roles.  As I understand it, Murray doesn't have an agent he works through.  If you want him in a movie, you ask him.  I think this is what helps him take on roles that are right for him, not having someone else trying to convince you to take a job you shouldn't.  There's a good possiblity you haven't seen the trailer for this one, so, you can watch it below.

  5. Looper

    I wanted to see this since I first heard about it.  It's a time travel movie, and there's one scene particularly that makes me want to watch it.  In it, Willis's character basically tells the audience, through a conversation with is younger self, not to worry about all the l ideas that go along with time travel and all the have-you-lived-through-this-already concepts.  See the clip below.

  6. Parental Guidance

    There's really no reason for me to see this one except that I like Billy Crystal.  I'm still waiting for another City Slickers, so, until then, this will have to do.
  7. Red Dawn

    I don't know how this will hold up to the original.  I liked it pretty well, but I also like Chris Hemsworth a lot.  I think if they don't try to be an exact copy of the first film, it could be good.
  8. This is 40
    I've read the reviews, and I know they aren't that great.  I've never let that stop me from seeing a movie before, though. It's an Apatow-helmed semi-sequel to Knocked Up that stars Paul Rudd and a surely a bevy of other Apatow regulars.  My only real fear is that the best parts are in the trailer.

  9. Trouble with the Curve

    After starting this list, I actually watched part of this movie.  I completely forgot that I had paid for it on Vudu, though, and I never went back to finish it.  What I saw of it was pretty good.  Amy Adams is super cute, so, that helps.  It doesn't quite stand up to similar baseball themed movies; particularly Moneyball which is about the same issue in baseball, seems to be the stronger pick.
  10. Wreck-It Ralph

    I think I wanted to see this one more than any other one on this list.  When you see all those classic video game villains in a group therapy session together in the trailer, the nostalgia just takes over.  This one's on DVD soon, and I'll be checking it out for sure.  
Other Notable Movies I Missed

Brave; Being Flynn; The Bourne Legacy; Chernobly Diaries; Cloud Atlas; The Day; Flight; Jeff Who  Lives at Home; Lincoln; Mama; Promised Land; Rock of Ages; Savages; Seeking a Friend at the End of the World; Skyfall; Taken 2; Tangled; Total Recall; The Watch
Recently Discovered

When compiling these lists, I always stumble on to a few movies that I'd never heard of before.  After some research into some of these movies, I find that they become something I would've watched or been interested in watching had I known of their existence.  Those movies follow below in this sublist.

These movies won't get their own write-up, but they are one's I'll be checking out in weeks to come.    

  1. 4:44 Last Day on Earth 
  2. The ABCs of Death
  3. After the Wizard
  4. The Hole
  5. Inseperable 
  6. Jack Reacher
  7. The Last Ride
  8. A Late Quartet
  9. Lawless
  10. Night of the Living Dead: Origins 3D

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